790602 Avionic equipment test equipment - DO-160 / Indirect Lightning

Avionic Equipment

Avionic equipment testing is based around the RTCA DO-160 and EUROCAE ED-14 requirements. Within these specifications, EMC PARTNER are recognised as an established supplier of testing equipment for indirect lightning, voltage spike and ESD. Active participation in the Society of Aerospace Engineers (SAE) and Eurocae standard committees indicates our commitment to supporting the indirect lightning market and customers worldwide.

Product Page

109925%20AVI-LV3 Avionic equipment test equipment - DO-160 / Indirect Lightning
Compact indirect lightning impulse generator
Indirect lightning impulses for PIN injection, cable induction and ground injection. Single stroke, multiple stroke and multiple burst events. DO-160 & EUROCAE ED 14 level 3 and MIL-STD-461 internal level events.
103509%20MIG0600MS Avionic equipment test equipment - DO-160 / Indirect Lightning
Multiple Stroke Indirect lightning impulse generator
Combined solution for PIN injection, cable induction and ground injection tests. Single stroke and multiple stroke events according to standards or user programmable.
109924%20MIL-MG3 Avionic equipment test equipment - DO-160 / Indirect Lightning
Modular impulse test system
Portable multifunction impulse test generator with plug-ins for MIL-STD and DO-160 applications. Test capability is easily extended with the seven plug-in modules. Couplers and calibration accessories complete the solution.

Options & Comfort
DO-160 section 22 test systems extendable to meet specialist requirements without significant changes to the basic hardware. Single turn couplers for large cable bundles or hybrid couplers for current and voltage waveshape integrity to name but a few options.

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Baselstrasse 160
CH - 4242 Laufen

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