High voltage opto isolators provide high voltage insulation between circuit elements, allowing control signals to be transferred but blocking AC or DC power. Electronic devices and semiconductor ICs used for Insulation are called isolators. This insulation is required to prevent electrical shock to human operators and preventing damage to processors. Some examples of applications that need insulation include industrial automation systems, motor drives, medical equipment, solar inverters, power supplies and electric vehicles. The main categories of insulation are Basic and reinforced insulation.
One of the critical parameters that are tested according to standards like IEC 61747-5-5 and IEC 61747-17 is maximum surge isolation voltage (VIOSM). EMC PARTNER provide specialized solutions and accessories to perform insulation tests up to 30kV to improve semiconductor reliability.
The IEC 602555-26 divides the electromagnetic environment into severe (zone A) and typical (zone B), whereas IEC 61000-6-5 divides the installation environment into 4 zones from inside to outside EMC protected area. EMC PARTNER offers EMC test equipment for both zones to conduct all impulse, transients and power fail tests, including EFT up to 4kV, Surge up to 4kV, Damped oscillatory waves up to 2kV as well as Dips/interrupts and insulation test up to 8kV.
1.2/50µs maximum surge insulation voltage (VIOSM)
Adapter set for small outline package semiconductors with simple connection to INS-1250. Including a plastic oil bath 0.7L and adapter bard for up to 44 PIN.